David Surdam received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago. His dissertation, “Northern Naval Superiority and the Economics of the American Civil War,” was supervised by Nobel-Prize Winner, Robert Fogel.
Professor Surdam has taught at the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Loyola University of Chicago, and the University of Oregon. David joined the faculty of the University of Northern Iowa in 2005. Teaching interests include: Principles of Micro-economics. Introduction to Decision Techniques. Sports Economics, Industrial Organization. Managerial Economics for the MBA.
UNI presented Professor Surdam the Regents Award for Faculty Excellence in 2018 for his outstanding accomplishments in faculty endeavors including: teaching, scholarship and service. UNI has also honored his contributions in the areas of research and scholarship by selecting him as the receipt of the Distinguished Scholar Award in 2017 and the James F. Lubker Faculty Research Award in 2016.
His interest in using applied microeconomics to historical topics has resulted in eight published books and 18 published articles. Topics of focus include the various economic issues of the National Football League, Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, and the American Civil War. Recently he has published the following books: Century of the Leisured Masses and The Big Leagues Go To Washington.
His publications can be found in such journals as the Journal of Sports Economics, Naval War College Review, Louisiana History, Journal of Economic History, and Agricultural History, Southern Economic Journal and Journal of Economic Education to name a few.
Ph.D. (Economics) University of Chicago
Dissertation Title: Northern Naval Superiority and the Economics of the American Civil War.
Advisor: Robert W. Fogel
A.M. (Economics) University of Chicago
B.A. (Mathematics) Robert D. Clark Honors College University of Oregon
Senior Thesis: Baseball Run Production
Advisor: Paul Speckman
UNI Regents Award for Faculty Excellence
University-wide award, 2018
UNI Distinguished Scholar Award
University-wide research award, 2017
UNI James F. Lubker Faculty Research Award
University-wide research award, 2016
Distinguished Service Award 2016-17
College of Business Administration UNI, 2017
UNI College of Business Administration Faculty Scholarship Award, 2010-2011
UNI University Book & Supply Outstanding Teaching Award, 2009
Additional Research Awards
Edward S. Miller History Prize for best history article in the Naval War College Review, 1999
Rear Admiral Ernest M. Eller Prize in Naval History, 1999
Semi-finalist by the International Congress of Economic History for the Recent doctoral research in economic history prize, 1998
Semi-finalist for Allan Nevins prize (best American Economic History Dissertation), 1995
Claude Lambe Fellow. Institute for Humane Studies, 1991-94
C.I.C. Minority Fellowship. University of Chicago, 1984-88.
Research Interests
Economics of professional sports leagues
Economics of the American Civil War
Economics related to social history
Research Grants
Summer Fellowship. Summer 2013
University of Northern Iowa
Professional Development Assignment.
Spring 2013 University of Northern Iowa
Summer Fellowship. Summer 2011
University of Northern Iowa
Reassigned Time. Fall 2008
University of Northern Iowa
College of Business Administration
Summer Fellowship. Summer 2008
University of Northern Iowa.
Reassigned Time. Fall 2007
University of Northern Iowa
College of Business Administration